Mercy Teasings — journal notes from my failing marriage
Reluctant to believe right now
I was leaning into never-after
And away from forever-more
Fading away from Til death do us part
Gathering scraps for my new start
Alone but not lonely
Is there another place
that’s not Limbo
A place beyond Limbo
Called Accommodation
But has the same wall paper
And has scents of larger hope
Is it real
Or a cruel unintended hope tease
You want to set me free
In my house but…
Not in my bed
To still the noises in your head
“Go do what you wish
while I try to tame these fears
of years to remove my maybes.”
Are you stepping up to your voices
Making choices
To cure your unsure
I hope so
Do I?
Well, I’m afraid to trust that
You can learn
To be with this wild-hearted man
Without impulse to tame him
To train him
You say
We could never be apart
You don’t know how much we are
How this mans mind has travelled
Already so far
Already so far
So far
Turn around?
Is mercy done?
I don’t think I can turn around Dear
But if you want
You can try to follow me
I’m headed toward Freedom